Alby’s Café & Op Shop

Alby’s Café & Op Shop opened in August and has been a very exciting addition for our Aged Care Residents – it’s outside the facility and a different environment for our Residents to kick back and relax in our 50s theme café.

Here the Residents can sit and chat in our diner styled café – a checked floor, funky furniture and happy colours of red, yellow and blue feature predominately – wonderful music plays in the background.


Our Op Shop is well patronised – a selection of knick-knacks, stationery, jewellery, greeting cards and so much more are available to select – these items have been generously donated by Glengollan Staff Members and Residents’ families.


No payment required – this is an activity for our Residents enjoyment and our Staff enjoy it just as much!

The café operates on Tuesdays and the Op Shop fortnightly – both are run by our Lifestyle team.

If you would like to donate – please contact Reception for a list of accepted items.

As Fonzie would say…. “Aaay” Thumbs Up on Apple iOS 14.6

Spiritual Volunteer

Introducing Glengollan’s Spiritual Volunteer, Louis Suchon.

Louis previously worked at Glengollan as the Finance Manager and since retiring he has volunteered his time to bringing comfort to our Residents in all things spiritual.

As the Spiritual Volunteer, Louis visits weekly – either on a Thursday or a Friday –  we are so grateful for his visits during these unprecedented times.

Not only providing spiritual support, Louis takes time for one-on-one chats with residents and works with the Lifestyle team arranging all the church services for the Aged Care Facility.

We welcome Louis’ visits and appreciate his gentle and caring manner.